Check Positive Pay
Using online templates or an uploaded text file, you submit a list of checks you wrote to your payees. The bank will compare the dollar amount and check number of the checks presented for payment against your list of issued checks. Any suspect items are reported to you as exceptions requiring a pay or return decision.
Payee Positive Pay
Enhance the Check Positive Pay product by also reviewing the payee name on the check for any alterations in addition to the check number and amount fields.
Same Day Positive Pay
Like Check Positive Pay, Same Day Positive Pay uses a unique routing number to report suspect items to you for a pay or return decision before the check posts to your account. This helps prevent fraudulent check activity from impacting account balances and facilitates account reconciliation.
ACH Positive Pay
Using specific ACH business rules, you can fine tune the transactions you allow to process against your accounts by specifying which business partners, SEC codes and/or amounts are authorize

Commercial Risk Management
Limit Risk In A Connected World
Our risk management solutions protect your business from potential fraud and losses that may occur from remote or even internal threats.
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Risk Management Solutions
We keep you informed every step of the way regarding any potential threats to your organization’s transactions. Our state-of-the-art solutions work 24/7 to provide you the security you need.
Positive Pay Services
Positive Pay Services

Fraud is a growing concern for all small businesses and large corporations, and we want to help you put controls in place that will protect the company you have worked hard to build. SouthState Bank provides the leading method of check and Automated Clearing House (ACH) fraud deterrence available today with online Positive Pay services.
ACH Filter
Automated Clearing House (ACH) Filter notifies you when transactions are made that are above set dollar limits for your account. This helps you identify potential fraudulent transactions before it’s too late.

Multi-Layered Security
All of our digital banking products incorporate layers of security including online encryption to protect your assets. Our Treasury Navigator secure browser encrypts both the keyboard and information being displayed on the screen to minimize outside threats accessing your account information. Protecting your business is our top priority.
Simple Payment Solutions
Upgrade or get started with a new payment system and tools.
Information Reporting
A Complete Overview of Business
Our information reporting tools give you a better view of your cash flow so you can make informed decisions.
Commercial Banking
Complete Banking Solutions
SouthState offers commercial checking, savings and lending services with solutions to help you get more done.
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