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I'm Carrie Hodge. And I'm a senior vice president with SouthState Investment Services. I'm also a certified financial planner. And today, we want to talk about why it's important to have a financial plan. This is a question that we get from our clients a lot. Why should we make all these plans And the best answer I can give is kind of a personal analogy.When our family goes on vacation, we have a plan. Where are we going to stay? Where are we going to eat? When are we coming back? Do we board the dog? Those are all things that we think about. And there is a lot of planning that goes into a vacation. Unfortunately, what we see in our industry is folks don't spend as much time planning for their future finances as they do for their future vacation.
A lot of times the only conversation folks have about a financial plan is perhaps during their annual benefits enrollment season. They look at their insurance questions, they look at their 401 K allocation, and they forget about it until this time next year. I know financial planning is not as fun as planning a vacation, but when you get to that magic age, whether it's 55, 60, 65 and you're ready to retire, financial planning is going to be very important to you.
So if you don't have a financial plan or if you have a plan and you haven't reviewed it recently, please take the time to reach out to a solid state investment professional. We're here to help. We'd love to look through your plan with you and get you ready for retirement.