Fraud Prevention Education

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Watch our video to learn the Top 10 financial scams.

Contact your SouthState Bank Treasury Management Sales Officer for more information on fraud prevention
  • Deepfake Audio Fraud - A.I. imitates executive voices so employees will wire funds
  • Ransomware - Malicious software blocks access to files until ransom is paid
  • Credential Stuffing Attack - Web logins automated using stolen credentials
  • Business Email Compromise (BEC) - Executive’s email spoofed so victims wire funds
  • Bitcoin Surveys - Fake digital currency leads to download of malware apps
  • Account Take Over - Fraudsters make non-monetary changes to accounts before attacks
  • Likejacking - Using fake “Like” buttons, downloaded malware tracks user keystrokes
  • Clone Phishing - Legitimate email has link replaced with  malicious version
  • Card Testing - Card numbers autobot tested using low dollars on legitimate sites
  • Overpayment Fraud - Buys goods with stolen card, adds extra to use bad shipper
Contact your SouthState Bank Treasury Management Sales Officer for more information on fraud prevention.

  • This content is general in nature and provided for informational use only. Content may be used in connection with the advertising and marketing of products and services offered by SouthState Bank, N.A. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. This is not to be considered legal, tax, accounting, financial or investment advice. You should seek individualized advice from personal financial, legal, tax and/or other professionals, as appropriate depending on the specific facts of your situation. We do not make any warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of this information and have no liability for your use of this information.

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