Payments Insider® is an interactive customer portal that provides businesses with crucial account details at their fingertips.
Our robust reporting options, exclusive content, and dynamic tools will help you run your business more effectively and make it easier to manage all aspects of your payment activity. To get started, contact a SouthState Merchant Services representative today.View Transcript
Hi. I'm excited to introduce you to Payments Insider, our new customer portal.You can access Payments Insider anytime, anywhere on your computer, laptop, or phone. Payments Insider provides exclusive information, content, and tools that will help you run your business more effectively. You now have one place to access all your statements, product guides, and videos, read industry news, and manage your account. As our customer, you can register yourself today and gain immediate access to Payments Insider. All you need to do is click the Sign In Sign Up link at the top right or the Register Here For Free link.
That's right. Payments Insider is completely free for our customers like you. Next, enter your account information and select Create Account. That's it. You'll receive an email that includes everything you need to log in. Now you're an insider. You'll be offered a tour the first time you log into Payments Insider. You can view this when you first log in, take the tour later, or say no thanks and navigate Payments Insider yourself. It's that intuitive. Select the Quick Tour link in the side navigation bar to launch the context sensitive quick tour whenever you want.
We'll regularly add new and fresh content, features, and tools to Payments Insider. We want you, our insiders, to help us develop and grow Payments Insider to make it useful to you and your business. We also want to know you, our customers, much better. Please give us regular feedback on your needs and challenges and how you think we're doing to help with those. You can provide us your direct feedback by selecting to provide feedback link whenever you want. Next, you can access all of your online and interactive statements from either the dashboard tiles or the left hand navigation area.
The statement list can be filtered to show you exactly what you need to see. Select the statement you want to access from the list. Next, you can manage all your account information by clicking the Your Account tile or the side navigation link. Here you can update information about your business, including adding or managing different locations.
You can also give others in your business, like an accountant, tax advisor, or partner access to your account information. Note that you can restrict what they can and cannot do. The personal information area lets you manage and update your own information.
You can change and reset your password from the security information section. One of the most useful sections in Payments Insider is the Your Solutions area. Here you can quickly access information, videos, and guides around your payment devices, applications, and other documents that will help you manage your payments business better, including security, compliance, and legal document.
So that's a quick look around Payments Inside. Please bookmark Payments Insider and check back regularly as we work closely with customers like you to enrich its functionality and empower you to grow your payments business with us. Thank you. Make Payments Insider a habit. We're glad that you're now an insider.